Air Conditioner Tripped the Breaker: How to Reset Your Breaker

How To Reset The Breaker

At your breaker panel, you should see all the switches are turned in the same direction. They are all very uniformly in line with each other so it is very easy to tell when one is not pointed in the same direction.  If you see a switch that is not going in the same direction or somehow looks differently than the rest, it has tripped or turned off.  Sometimes a tripped breaker will have a loose feeling.

To reset the breaker that has tripped you’re going to turn it to the off position then you’ll feel it kind of click.  Then you reset it by turning it back on. a

Why Your Breaker May Have Tripped

Your breaker is a safety device so it usually does not trip for no reason.  There are a couple of reason why your breaker may have tripped where it would be fine to reset it yourself.  For example, you might have had a power outage where your lights flicker off and come right back on while your air conditioner was running.  That could cause a breaker to trip.  Also, your air conditioner could have short cycled due to someone turning down the thermostat at the same time that the air conditioner was coming on.  In strange cases such as the ones described above, it will help you to know how to reset your own tripped breaker to get your air conditioner working again.

How Many Times Should You Reset The Breaker?

You should never tolerate a breaker tripping repeatedly.  If your breaker trips more than once we recommend not continuing to reset it.  The breaker is a safety device so we recommend having a professional come to investigate what could be causing the breaker to trip and how to fix any problem with your heating and air conditioning system.

Air Conditioner Not Cooling Enough? Here Are Two Easy Checks To Do Yourself

If your air conditioner is cooling, but not cooling very well or enough, you want to check two simple things before calling anyone to fix your air conditioner.

The first thing to check is your furnace air filter.

A dirty air filter can restrict air flow and cause your air conditioner to not cool well.

The second thing to check is the outdoor coil to make sure it is not dirty with dust, or dirt and debris from nearby trees and bushes.

If the outdoor coil is clogged with dirt and debris, this can cause the air conditioner to not cool enough. If you find that your outdoor condensing coil is clogged, you could try to clean yourself. It should be cleaned from the inside out.

However we always recommend calling a professional if you are not trained to work on air conditioners. It is possible to wash out an air conditioner in a way that can damage some of the components. The furnace air filter is very easy to change yourself. A clogged filter often cause air conditioners to not cool enough especially in very hot seasons.

What is an Air Conditioner SEER Rating [Plus How To Use Your SEER Rating]

What is a SEER Rating?

A SEER Rating stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating.   This rating is made by the regulating authorities taking all the air conditioners out for a test drive.  They have evaluated the air conditioners for efficiency based on how they cycle on and off.  The SEER Rating is a number that is often overlooked by homeowners, however it can actually be quite useful. 

How Can You Use a SEER Rating?

If you know your Air Conditioner’s SEER rating, you can use it to calculate how much you spend on electricity for your air conditioner.

In order to do this calculation we need to know a few other numbers.

  1.  The capacity of your air conditioner. 
  2. Your air conditioner’s SEER Rating
  3. The number of hours of electricity you pay for during the month

Below is the calculation used in the video below to determine electricity costs:

1. Capacity (Tons x 12,000 BTUs)
divided by SEER rating
= Watts

2. Watts divided by 1,000 = KW

3. Kilowatts x Hours of Use = Total kw hours

4. Total kw hours x electricity cost kw hour ($0.12-$0.15)
= Total $$$ to run A/C for the Summer

If after you do this calculation and the total amount is lower than you typically pay, it is probable you are losing efficiency in your air conditioner.  If your air conditioner has lost efficiency it is actually operating at a lower SEER rating than what it should be.

What Would Cause Your Air Conditioner to Operate at a Lower Efficiency Rating?

Dirt and airflow are the biggest culprits in air conditioner efficiency.  Dirt both indoors and outdoors can cause problems for your air conditioner’s efficiency if it is not properly maintained.  If the outdoor coil is dirty the heat transfer capability goes down.  When the aluminum fins on the outdoor unit lose their shine they are not as efficient and don’t transfer heat as efficiently as it did in the past.  Dirt also causes wear and tear forcing motors to work more overtime than they did originally.

That’s why after having them professionally cleaned using the proper coil cleaners the heat transfer capabilities will improve.

What Is The Minimum SEER Ratings For New Systems?

It is possible you live in a house with a 10 SEER air conditioner, but the new minimum SEER rating is a 13 SEER.  This will sometimes depend on where you live, but in our area of Johnson County, KS the minimum will typically be a 13 or 14 SEER.

What SEER Rating Should I Get? (What Is The Difference Between a 14 SEER And a 16 SEER Air Conditioner?)

If you are in the market for an air conditioner the question may come up on what SEER rating should you get.  There is a difference in upfront costs.  A higher SEER rating on an air conditioner will cause the price to increase.  However, from our perspective, the increase in upfront cost will rarely be worth it if you are buying thinking a higher SEER rating will save you more in electricity.  It will save on electricity, but only a small amount. 

HOWEVER, the higher SEER ratings on air conditioners also correspond with other features that are valuable.  Often, a 16 SEER air conditioner will have a two speed compressor that allows for benefits as far as how your home feels, the humidity control, etc.  The other features on the 16 SEER in relation to the 14 SEER is what we find to be the biggest difference over the efficiency rating.

The quantum leap in efficiency is getting rid of that 10 SEER air conditioner and putting in even the most basic of air conditioners today such as the 13 SEER.

Electronic Air Filter Replacement With Micro Power Guard (Plus How Electronic Filter Works)

In this video Ramon shows us how to properly replace the media filter in his MicroPower Guard Electronic Air Cleaner. The MicroPower Guard an air filtration system designed to trap microscopic contaminants that traditional filters can’t catch.

The MicroPower Guard Air Cleaner uses an electric charge to polarize and trap harmful particles while simultaneously cleaning the air in your home.

It is important to change the filter correctly in your electronic air cleaner. If you leave the power on to your furnace while you change the filter, it could damage your system.

Two Products You Must Try If You Have Allergies

Matt has worked in the HVAC industry for more than 20 years and there are two products he has in his own home that he does not want to live without. One is a UV Sterilization System and the other is a Micro Power Guard high efficiency air cleaner.

As a life-long allergy sufferer, he is allergic to pollen, ragweed, animal dander, you name it. However he always says that when he is home, he doesn’t feel like he has allergies. “Growing up I was a mess. But now I can open my windows in my house, and because of the filtration that I have in my system, it’s actually helping clean the air out constantly, so that that’s where it really helps and I don’t suffer.”

Allergy Sufferers Keep Their Homes Closed Up

Homeowners, especially if they have allergies, are reluctant to open their windows. Therefore they are going from heat to air conditioning immediately because they they just cannot handle opening the windows because the suffering is not worth the economic savings that they’ll get by opening the windows and not running the air.

This is a good call because that is exactly what the Mayo Clinic recommends if you have allergies. Here is the list of recommendations from the Mayo Clinic to combat the allergy season:

  • Use the air conditioning in your house and car.
  • If you have forced air heating or air conditioning in your house, use high-efficiency filters and follow regular maintenance schedules.
  • Keep indoor air dry with a dehumidifier.
  • Use a portable high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter in your bedroom.
  • Clean floors often with a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter.

If you keep your house closed up and do not have a high efficiency filtration system or UV sterilization system, it is like breathing in a bubble. Homes are built so tight we are all just sharing the same air over and over again and that would be the equivalent of me blowing up a balloon and then having somebody else breathe what’s in the balloon. We’re doing it every day in our homes. Gross. Let’s freshen up that air.

What Does An HVAC Professional Use In His Own House to Combat Allergies?

Two things. One is a UV (Ultraviolet Light) Sterilization System.

The UV Sterilization System has two bulbs in it that produce two different types of UVC rays, which are used for killing germs and bacteria and viruses. This is the same type of light they are using at hospitals where they wheel it into a hospital room and shine UVC rays on the surfaces of the room that could potentially have bacteria. The UVC Light is there to kill bacteria and viruses.

There is a seperate bulb inside the chamber that produces UVB rays which helps to take care of all of the chemicals that we have in our homes. So many items in our homes off gas chemicals and we breathe them. Think of anything in your home that has a smell: Glade plugins, candles, aerosols, detergents, beaches, even the paint on your walls and the glues in the carpet have chemicals in them and we breathe in those chemicals potentially triggering allergies and illnesses.

Second is a Micro Power Guard Air Filtration System

The Micro Power Guard takes care of the particles floating around our homes. There are particulates in the air such as dust, pollen, animal dander, smoke, etc. that regular air filters don’t do a great job at removing. Regular disposable air filters will catch the bowling ball-sized particles but will leave the finer particles that can effect your allergies.

How the Micro Power Guard is so efficient is because it has an electronic polarized media. It uses the electricity to polarize or magnetize itself and turns it into a magnet for particles and it does it through a carbon insert. It uses electricity to pull the small the small fine particles towards it so that it definitely doesn’t get through for you to breathe.

We’ve been putting these in four years now and they work better than anything else we’ve used. They’re amazing.

They’re safe and reliable too. Our Micro Power Guards have a lifetime warranty.

True Story: The only time we had a Micro Power Guard fail was when a customer submerged it in the bathtub in order to clean it. Other than that, they’ll work forever.

Air Envy?

Yes. It’s a thing. We’ve actually had cases of air envy where where one homeowner says, I don’t know what you did next door, but I want air like his. Whatever you did over there. That’s what I want.

Once you experience clean air you will notice when it is not there in other homes or buildings. Matt doesn’t notice two cats in his house and he’s allergic to cats. Matt said “I’ve had I’ve had friends over for hours and later said ‘you have cats?’ and I say actually we have two of them and I’m badly allergic to cats. They cannot believe they didn’t notice when they came into my home.”

UV Sterilization System and Micro Power Guard Help With More Than Just Allergies

We’ve written before about how Micro Power Guard Air Filters also help with illnesses in your home.

In a study done by Environmental Health and Engineering, Inc.* researchers set out to measure the potential exposure benefits of whole house high efficiency in-duct air cleaners. The study focused on sensitive subpopulations such as those who have asthma or severe allergies. The results indicated that the use of high efficiency in-duct air cleaners provide an effective means of controlling allergen levels not only in a single room, like a portable air cleaner, but the whole house.

The National Environmental Education and Training Foundation recommends the use of portable air cleaners in bedrooms of asthmatics. While the use of portable air cleaners in the bedroom did prove to be beneficial in the study, the researchers found that in reality, the use of high efficiency in-duct air cleaners provide a more effective means of controlling allergen levels and the influenza virus not only in a single room, but the whole house.

Perhaps the most interesting result from the study…

Involves the estimation of the risk of influenza infection from an individual who remains in the home over the course of a five-day infectious period with someone who currently has the illness. Since influenza can trigger asthma, the researchers were interested in the effect of high efficiency filters on the transmission of the illness.

The study assumed that the infectious individual spent one-half of their time in the bedroom and the other half in the family room, while a healthy individual spent 69% of the corresponding time indoors at the home during which they were exposed to the house-wide average concentration of quanta in air. For this scenario, the risk of infection by influenza was greater than 30% in the ventilation configuration with a portable air cleaner in both of the two rooms frequented by the infectious individual. In comparison, the risk of infection was less than 4% for the high efficiency in-duct system.

The “high efficiency air cleaner” used in this study was a high efficiency electrostatic air cleaner with HEPA-like removal efficiency for aerosols. One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning has this product for your home as well as more options that add even more protection for the health of your indoor air.

An Extra Way to Give Back to the Pumpkin Run


ticker-pumpkin-runTomorrow is the big day for the Jared Coones Memorial 5k Pumpkin Run/Walk.  We are happy to be sponsors again this year and tomorrow we will be doing something different.

If you come to our booth and take your picture with our mascot “Ticker”, post the photo to your Facebook page, tag us, and we’ll donate an extra $5 for each post!  This will help us promote the Pumpkin Run and give extra money to a wonderful and needed local charity.

New Way to Help the Jared Coones Memorial 5K Pumpkin Run/Walk

Jared Coones Pumpkin Run

Jared Coones Pumpkin RunFor the past 19 years the annual Jared Coones Memorial 5K Pumpkin Run/Walk has celebrated family and community by coming together to honor the lives of Jared and Jayne Coones and their courageous battles against cancer while also raising money to support cancer patients and their families!

They’ve grown from a humble 550 participants in their first year to over 3,600+ participants in 2016 and they have raised over $700,000 with 100% of the proceeds going to local charities! The mission of the Pumpkin Run is not to be the biggest 5K in Kansas City but to be the best family event in the area.

They have seen the vision and passion for this event embraced by thousands of caring volunteers, sponsors and participants; which is evident by the fact that many of their sponsors, participants and volunteers have been with them from the very start. They not only continue to come back but also bring their family and friends with them for incredible growth each year.

Today we welcomed Tom Coones, loving husband, father, and friend to One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning this morning for our technicians’ training to tell his story and explain to us the joy he has for this special day. He also provided us with details on how to register to join this AMAZING event.

As a sponsor for the last 9 years, we continue to support this event and we ask for your support as well. With that being said, we will be collecting any financial contribution during our service/maintenance calls; no obligations of course, however, any donation big or small goes a long way.

We are so glad to have had Tom come in and welcome him back anytime. If you would like more information on the story or the 5K event, you can click on the link and it will direct you to the Facebook page OR their website

Schedule Your Appointment Now

Schedule Your Appointment Now

Everyone at One Hour — from our schedulers to our service technicians — respects the value of your time and your home as your castle. That’s why if our technician doesn’t show up on time…doesn’t wear “Floor Savers” to protect your floors…and doesn’t clean up after he’s solved your problem…your One Hour service is free. We mean it when we say your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Call us anytime day or night we answer our phones 24/7!

A little about what our clients say about us:

“They are very professional. I believe they are a company of integrity and honesty. They really put effort into keeping your home clean. They are fast and they are always very punctual.”
– Bill C., Olathe, KS

“Everyone we have interacted with have been professional and courteous. Excellent service – we would recommend One Hour to anyone! Thank you!”
-Todd K., Olathe, KS

“They have done annual check-ups for me. They put the original HVAC unit in the house. They are a good group. It is family owned and they are good people.”
– Mary F., Overland Park, KS

“All your staff was very friendly and took the time to explain everything and answered all questions. I will for sure recommend you to others.”
-Steve & Brandi C., Garnder, KS

“Matt was very professional, showed us things we needed to know about the system, stayed long enough to ensure the system was working correctly and answered all of our questions about preventive maintenance and upkeep of the system.”
– Kelli C., Overland Park, KS

“They were very good, very quick, extremely helpful and friendly. They have someone on-call all the time, as I understand it. We called at night when we smelled gas, and they were very helpful getting our needs met immediately. Excellent work!”
-Carolyn M., Olathe, KS

“Evaluated home for new furnace and central air. Very thorough in their assessment of our needs. Offered us several options and didn’t try to oversell us. Came out to do the work. They were prompt and left the house clean and tidy.”
-Malinda S., Olathe, KS

“Daniel & Mike did a wonderful job. They were very courteous and patient with my questions.”
-Terri F., Olathe, KS

“We are on their monthly service plan. It is very reasonable in price. Service techs are prompt, polite, knowledgeable. We continue to be impressed with this service.”
-Jon M., Olathe, KS

“We will definitely recommend the company to anyone we know in need. So polite from sales to installation.”
-Mike K., Olathe, KS

“Great job by the techs. All had excellent attention to detail. Ramon has such dedicated and well trained workers.”
-Patrick D., Lenexa, KS

“This company does HVAC maintenance for me on a semiannual basis. They are always on time and the work is always done in a professional manner. The price is always right also.”
– Derald S., Olathe, KS

“No improvement necessary! I give this company A+: your services & equipment are exceptional.”
-Jeffrey F., Olathe, KS

Cities serviced by Olathe Heating and Cooling: Olathe, Lenexa, Gardner, DeSoto, Eudora, Overland Park, Leawood, Shawnee, Mission, Merriam, Roeland Park, Stanley, Prairie Villiage, Stillwell, Mission Woods.

One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning Earns Esteemed 2013 Angie’s List Super Service Award

One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning Earns Esteemed 2013 Angie’s List Super Service Award

One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning has earned the service industry’s coveted Angie’s List Super Service Award, reflecting an exemplary year of service provided to members of the consumer review service in 2013.

“We are so proud to have this award for the 5th time.  It really feels like a ‘thank you’ from our clients and that makes us extremely grateful.  In the service industry, it is all about trust between you and your clients and you earn that trust by meeting and surpassing their expectations.  The fact that so many of our clients would recommend us to others says that we must be doing something right,”  said Ramon Blachly, Owner of One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning.

“Only about 5 percent of the companies One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning competes with in Kansas City are able to earn our Super Service Award,” said Angie’s List Founder Angie Hicks. “It’s a mark of consistently great customer service.”

Angie’s List Super Service Award 2013 winners have met strict eligibility requirements, which include an “A” rating in overall grade, recent grade, and review period grade; the company must be in good standing with Angie’s List, have a fully complete profile, pass a background check and abide by Angie’s List operational guidelines.

Service company ratings are updated daily on Angie’s List. Companies are graded on an A through F scale in areas ranging from price to professionalism to punctuality. Members can find the 2013 Super Service Award logo next to company names in search results on